Monday, February 11, 2013

4 Paws Brewing - Blueberry Lou

"1st Class beer for the Second City"

4 Paws Brewing is located in Chicago, has a unique philosophy most beer drinkers don't come across quite often. The owners, Meghan, Matt, and their dog Sadie (I'll explain later), are committed to making quality brews that appeal to all kinds of beer drinkers. The complexity and care put into each batch that 4 Paws is created for their customers. 4 Paws' philosophy is, "Beer should be inventive and fun." Meghan and Matt began their brewing career with the idea of creativity. They wanted to create something from scratch, talk to people about their pride of each bottle, and give something great for customers to enjoy. They want to create a beer that will bring good conversation, entertainment, and the spirit of loving life. 4 Paws' beers are inspired by Chicago's earlier breweries and their recipes, devoting their efforts to make Chicago a thriving beer town.

The owners of 4 Paws are very environmentally friendly. This green lifestyle effort is a part of who they are and as much a part of the brewery as the beer itself. Along with giving back to Mother Earth, 4 Paws wants to give back to the Chicago community. To go with their name, 4 Paws, a set portion of their profits is donated to local animal shelters. Their dog and co-owner, Sadie, has brought great joy to their lives and wants to ensure others can have the same experience. Click here to learn more about Sadie! Sadie has been at Meghan's and Matt's feet for each batch brewed. 4 Paws also uses a portion of the profits to fund an on-site animal shelter.'s mission statement - "We believe in our company, what we stand for, and most of all the beers we serve. We would never make anything we wouldn't drink just to turn a profit and we would never say anything or do anything to compromise our core beliefs. We hope that our supporters and friends join us in believing in 4 Paws too!"

4 Paws produces seven year-round brews each having their own inspiration:

  • Pupkin Ale - Made with organic malt and pumpkin to create this autumn brew with spices and flavors that make you want to sit around a campfire with pumpkin pie. This brew is inspired by Gebhard Brewing Company in Morris, IL. Opened in 1866 until prohibition closed its doors.
  • Kilted Pup - A Scottish ale loaded with 3 different malts and a deep, rich, red color. Kilted Pup is inspired by one of the most influential Scottish immigrants, John Kinzie. 
  • Pioneer Red - This beer is inspired by the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. The first fire department in Chicago was called Pioneer. A smooth red ale with hints of spices including clover, cinnamon, and a variety of malts.
  • Brindle Amber Ale - Inspired by the original Atlas Brewing of Chicago, this beer goes perfectly with any meal from BBQs to private dinner parties.
  • Blueberry Lou - Honey, blueberries, hops, and golden malts are combined to create this perfect summer beer. Inspired by Huck's Brewery in Chicago, which specialized in lighter, more carbonated summer-perfect beers. 
  • Brown Dog - This beer has great caramel and vanilla notes to start, and it finishes with a great chocolate taste. Brown Dog is inspired by Chicago’s Lill & Diversey Brewery’s offerings of porters, stouts and a cream ale. 
  • Fawn Blonde Ale - A light, refreshing beer with three varieties of hops to add spice. Manhattan Brewing Company of Chicago produced a picnic beer, and Fawn Blonde Ale is envisioned to be a modern reincarnation. 

The beer from 4 Paws that I found most appealing was Blueberry Lou (probably the most girly one). 
4 Paws Brewing reviews the beer: "Brewed this with tons of blueberries, hops, and hops to create a perfect American IPA. It is inspired by John A. Huck's Chicago Brewery that opened in 1847. They specialized in lighter, more carbonated refreshing beers perfect for hot summer days." 

A customer's review: Blueberry Lou is a peachy-golden color. The nose is overwhelmed, smells more like punch rather than beer, very fruity. The flavor follows the nose but is not as sweet as I had anticipated. Overall, 4 Paws does a good job at delivering what they advertise. That being said it's not really my cup of tea but it definitely has its place.

My experience: This is truly a summer ale. It is delicious, light in color but full in flavor. You can immediately taste the hops, honey, lots of citrus, and blueberries all bringing memories of summertime. It has a sweet taste at first with a slight tart mid-palette taste. The finish is sweet and crisp. Blueberry Lou is very carbonated and perfect for a hot summer day. The ABV (Alcohol By Volume) is at 5.25% 

To find out where you can purchase 4 Paws, visit their website.

If you're looking to buy a beer that goes towards a good cause and have a variety of flavors, 4 Paws Brewing fits right in. They have a wide variety of beers offered, created to suit every beer drinker's preference. Let me know if you have any Illinois-based Breweries that you would like to be reviewed!

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